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  • Project Research
  • 1-5 Chapters
  • Abstract : Available
  • Table of Content: Available
  • Reference Style: APA
  • Recommended for : Student Researchers
  • NGN 5000

Background of the study

Education is the bed rock of any culture that is determined to strive/survive in the turmoil period. The only remedy that can treat the ailment of underdevelopment of a country and the sword that can defeat the adversary called poverty. Importance of education cannot the overlooked by all countries including developed, developing and underprivileged ones. Apart from being the instrument for progress, its relevance to human beings cannot be over stressed. Education is a human right that should be granted to all human beings just by reason of being human. There are a variety of international human rights agreements that allow for education as a basic human right. These include the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948), the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (1966) and the African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights (1981) cited in Reylan et al. (2019). The association between education and development is extensively established such that education is a major gauge of development. It has been established that learning enhances productivity, health and eliminates bad elements of life such as child labour as well as bringing about empowerment (EFA, 2002) cited in (Onoshakpokaiye, 2015). This is why there has been a lot of focus especially in recent times for all inhabitants of the globe to have access to basic education. State of Education in Nigeria is deplorable as many of the children cannot simply accomplish what elementary school students of the old days could do without worry. In recent years, various examination boards such as West African Examination (WAEC), National Examination Council (NECO) and NABTEB documented overwhelming failure of pupils. Although, many ascribed the failure to neglect of pupils and others claimed parents contributed to the failure documented. According to Meneghetti et al (2007), the catastrophic downturn of the oil market in the early eighties, along with the Structural Adjustment Programme (SAP), led to dramatic cutbacks in expenditure on education. The outcome was unpaid teacher wages, erosion of education infrastructure at all levels and strikes in universities and schools. The final effect is a decrease in the percentage of people in the nation who can read and write. Because they cultivate a variety of abilities that are important in a world that is always changing, intrinsic learning activities have become a foundation for learning skills. Especially in the realm of mathematics, the formation of persons is an essential need that must be met. According to Kaur & Pathania (2015), it seeks to achieve fundamental learning characteristics such as self-directed learning, collaborative learning, learning on-demand, and organisational learning. It is a fundamental aspect of learning skills that may lead to initiative as well as the diagnostic of learning requirements. The formulation of appropriate learning goals, the identification of human and material resources for learning, the selection of the best alternative tools, the implementation of appropriate learning strategies, and the evaluation of teaching and learning outcomes are therefore fundamental. This is why the organisers use the cowbell mathematics educational quiz programme to improve students' learning skills in mathematics.

Since the year 1998, the Cowbell brand has been actively supporting initiatives to encourage the study of mathematics in secondary schools located all throughout Nigeria. As a result, it has assisted millions of students in cultivating an interest in the topic and acquiring a deeper comprehension of it. The goal of the project is to recognise outstanding mathematical scholarship and to award those who have achieved this level of achievement. The initiative is implemented at both public and private educational institutions. Students ranging in age from eight to eighteen are able to attend this institution.

Cowbellpedia gained a new sponsor in the year 2015 in the form of Promasidor Nigeria (PNG). Because to their funding, the programme was significantly improved. Within the same year, the undertaking was given a fresh approach when it was partitioned into two distinct sections. The first stage, known as the Qualifying Examination, is a written test that is administered in certain locations around the nation. The second stage, known as the TV Quiz Competition, follows immediately after. Since 2016, Cowbell-Our Milk has made the decision to consolidate all of its maths intervention initiatives into a single programme known as Cowbellpedia. As a way to commemorate the fact that the Mathematics Competition Initiative has been running for 20 years, the top prize was bumped up to 2 million Nigerian Naira in the year 2018 (Reylan et al., 2019). The Cowbellpedia is a yearly mathematical initiative for young kids in Nigeria, and it features a number of different contact points. It has received approval from both the Federal Ministry of Education and the National Examination Council (NECO), which is the organisation in Nigeria responsible for administering the National Examination to secondary schools. After schools have satisfactorily finished their registration on www.cowbellpedia.ng, all of the eligible pupils will be needed to take a national qualifying test that will be conducted by NECO in centres that have been chosen as being the most convenient for them. The findings [Onoshakpokaiye, 2015] are made available on the internet on the first of every June in observance of World Milk Day. The kids that participate in the tests each year are narrowed down to 108, with 54 junior students and 54 senior students competing for the top spot. These students and their mathematics professors go to Lagos to compete for the honour of being named the Best Mathematics Student of the year. Therefore,the study examines the  influence of cowbell mathematics educational quiz programme on the learning skill intelligence of secondary schools students in Ifako Ijaiye, Lagos state using Ijaiye Ojokoro Senior Secondary School as a case study.

1.2 Statement of the problem

Education in mathematics is essential to any nation's efforts to advance in the scientific and technical arenas. Mathematics is one of the school topics that each country requires for economic and technical growth (Shetty & Srinivasan, 2014). It is also important for most vocations and highly specialised courses of study. at comparison to other subjects like as biology, geography, Hausa, and physics, it has been noted that a much less number of students choose to study mathematics at higher institutions (Kaur & Pathania, 2015). This may perhaps be ascribed to the following factors: a lack of learning skills and intellect, insufficient mathematics instructors, incompetent mathematics teachers, poor mathematics instructional resources, class size, time tabling schedule, and anything else may be relevant. Because of this, the people behind Cowbelpedia decided it would be a good idea for kids in secondary schools to participate in mathematics quizzes. Therefore, the study examines  influence of cowbell mathematics educational quiz programme on the learning skill intelligence of secondary schools students in Ifako Ijaiye, Lagos state using Ijaiye Ojokoro Senior Secondary School as a case study.

1.3 Objective of the study

The broad objective of the study is to examine the influence of cowbell mathematics educational quiz programme on the learning skill intelligence of secondary schools students in Ijaiye Ojokoro Senior Secondary School, Lagos state. Other specific objectives are as follows:

  1. To find the level of learning skill intelligence of secondary school students.

  2. To examine whether cowbell mathematics educational quiz programme has influence learning skill of secondary school students.

  3. To determine whether cowbell mathematics educational quiz has improved academic performance of secondary school students.

1.4 Research Questions

The following questions will be answered in this study:

  1. What is the level of learning skill intelligence of secondary school students?

  2. Have the cowbell mathematics educational quiz programme influence learning skill of secondary school students?

  3. Have the cowbell mathematics educational quiz improved academic performance of secondary school students?

1.5 Significance of the study

The significance of the study is to help the Mathematics teachers, Students, Parents and society at large to appreciate the need for proper instruction delivery.

This study will help mathematics teachers to know the attitude on student towards the teaching and learning of mathematics and the possible solutions to these problems.

The study helps the teacher in ensuring that students will have knowledge and skills on mathematics not only to success in the classroom, but also to be empowered by mathematics to become productivity in life. This study will also serve as a reference material to scholars, students and researchers who may wish to carry out further studies on this topic or related domain in the future.

1.6 Scope of the study

The study will examine the influence of cowbell mathematics educational quiz programme on the learning skill intelligence of secondary schools students in Ifako Ijaiye, Lagos state. Hence the specific objectives will find the level of learning skill intelligence of secondary school students. The study will also examine whether cowbell mathematics educational quiz programme has influence learning skill of secondary school students. Finally, the study will determine whether cowbell mathematics educational quiz has improved academic performance of secondary school students. Hence, the study is delimited to Ijaiye Ojokoro Senior Secondary School, Lagos State.

1.7 Limitations of the study

Like in every human endeavour, the researchers encountered slight constraints while carrying out the study. The significant constraint are:

Time: The researcher encountered time constraint as the researcher had to carry out this research along side other academic activities such as attending lectures and other educational activities required of her.

Finance: The researcher incurred more financial expenses in carrying out this study such as typesetting, printing, sourcing for relevant materials, literature, or information and in the data collection process.

Availability of Materials: The researcher encountered challenges in sourcing for literature in this study. The scarcity of literature on the subject due to the nature of the discourse was a limitation to this study.

1.8 Definition of terms

Learning skill: a term that describes the tasks involved in learning, including time management, note-taking, reading effectively, study skills, and writing tests

Quiz:  a test of knowledge, especially as a competition between individuals or teams as a form of entertainment.

Intelligence: the ability to acquire and apply knowledge and skills

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